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  1. [3,"a","ban","don","to give up completely"]
  2. [4,"ab","bre","vi","ate","to make shorter by leaving out letters"]
  3. [3,"a","bol","ish","to get rid of completely"]
  4. [2,"a","bridge","to shorten"]
  5. [4,"ac","a","dem","ic","having to do with schools, colleges, or teaching"]
  6. [4,"ac","cu","mu","late","to pile up, collect, or gather over a period of time"]
  7. [2,"ad","just","to change or move in order to make fit"]
  8. [3,"ad","van","tage","a better chance; more favorable position"]
  9. [4,"ad","ver","sar","y","a person who is against another; enemy or opponent"]
  10. [3,"ad","vo","cate","to speak or write in favor of"]
  11. [4,"af","firm","a","tive","saying that something is true; answering yes"]
  12. [2,"af","front","speech or behavior that is meant to be rude or to hurt someone; an insult made on purpose"]
  13. [3,"ag","gra","vate","to make worse; make more troublesome"]
  14. [4,"ag","ri","cul","ture","the work of growing crops and raising farm animals; science of farming"]
  15. [3,"a","kim","bo","with the hands on the hips and the elbows bent outward"]
  16. [2,"al","ien","belonging to another country or people; foreign"]
  17. [2,"al","lege","to say firmly but usually without having proof"]
  18. [3,"al","ler","gy","a condition in which coughing, sneezing, or a rash develops when a person comes in contact with certain things"]
  19. [4,"am","big","u","ous","having two or more possible meanings"]
  20. [3,"an","a","lyze","to separate something into its parts in order to examine them"]
  21. [2,"an","nex","to add or attach a smaller thing to a larger one"]
  22. [3,"an","nu","al","happening or coming once a year; yearly"]
  23. [4,"an","tag","o","nize","to cause dislike in; make an enemy of"]
  24. [4,"an","thol","o","gy","a collection of poems, stories, or other writings"]
  25. [4,"an","tic","i","pate","to look forward to; expect"]
  26. [4,"an","ti","sep","tic","a substance that kills germs or stops their growth"]
  27. [2,"a","pex","the highest point of anything; peak"]
  28. [3,"ap","pli","ance","a machine or device that is used to do a special job around the house more easily"]
  29. [4,"ap","pre","ci","ate","to understand and enjoy"]
  30. [3,"ap","pre","hend","to capture and arrest"]
  31. [3,"ap","pren","tice","a person who is learning a trade or craft by helping a skilled worker"]
  32. [3,"ap","ri","cot","a pale orange fruit that looks like a small peach"]
  33. [3,"ap","ti","tude","a natural ability; talent"]
  34. [3,"a","quat","ic","growing or living in water"]
  35. [3,"aq","ue","duct","a large pipe or channel that brings water from a distant place"]
  36. [4,"ar","bi","tra","tion","the act or process of settling an argument by letting an outside person or group listen to both sides and make a decision"]
  37. [3,"ar","ti","san","a person who works at a craft that requires manual or artistic skill"]
  38. [2,"as","cent","the act of moving up, rising, or climbing"]
  39. [2,"a","skew","on or to one side; not straight"]
  40. [4,"as","pi","ra","tion","a strong wish, hope, or ambition"]
  41. [3,"a","sy","lum","a place where one is safe and secure; refuge"]
  42. [4,"au","to","ma","tion","a system of manufacturing in which some jobs are done by machines instead of people"]
  43. [2,"av","id","very eager or full of enthusiasm"]
  44. [2,"bal","last","heavy material, such as sand, that is carried in a ship, balloon, or vehicle to keep it steady or balanced"]
  45. [3,"ban","dan","na","a large, colored handkerchief"]
  46. [3,"ban","is","ter","a handrail along a staircase"]
  47. [3,"bar","ri","cade","a pile of things that is built up quickly to block a road or entrance"]
  48. [4,"bel","lig","er","ent","taking part in a war; at war"]
  49. [3,"ben","e","fit","help; advantage"]
  50. [4,"bi","ol","o","gy","the science that studies living things; the study of plants and animals and the way they live and grow"]
  51. [2,"blem","ish","a mark or scar that spoils or damages; a spot"]
  52. [2,"bo","nus","an extra amount or thing that is paid or given in addition to what is owed or expected"]
  53. [2,"bril","liant","very bright; glittering or sparkling"]
  54. [3,"bul","le","tin","a short, up-to-date report"]
  55. [3,"cal","cu","late","to find out by using arithmetic; compute"]
  56. [3,"ca","pa","ble","able to do things well; fit or skilled"]
  57. [4,"cap","il","lar","y","one of the tiny blood vessels that join the arteries and the veins"]
  58. [2,"cap","size","to turn over or upset"]
  59. [4,"car","niv","o","rous","describing animals that feed on other animals; flesh-eating"]
  60. [4,"cat","a","ma","ran","a boat with two hulls side by side"]
  61. [3,"cat","a","pult","a large weapon that worked like a slingshot. It was used in olden times to throw spears, arrows, rocks, or other things at the enemy"]
  62. [4,"ca","tas","tro","phe","a sudden happening that causes great loss, suffering, or damage; a terrible disaster"]
  63. [4,"cat","e","go","ry","a division of a main subject or group; class"]
  64. [2,"cha","os","the greatest confusion and lack of order"]
  65. [3,"char","i","ty","the giving of money or help to people in need"]
  66. [2,"chron","ic","going on for a long time"]
  67. [3,"cir","cu","late","to move in a regular course and return to the same point"]
  68. [3,"clar","i","fy","to make or become easier to understand"]
  69. [2,"clus","ter","a number of things growing together or seen together"]
  70. [4,"co","in","ci","dence","the happening of two or more events that seem to be connected but are not"]
  71. [3,"col","li","sion","the act of coming together with force; a crash"]
  72. [3,"com","e","dy","a play, film, or TV show that is funny and has a happy ending"]
  73. [3,"com","mence","ment","the ceremony of a school or college, when graduates receive their degrees or diplomas"]
  74. [4,"com","mu","ni","cate","to pass along; transmit"]
  75. [4,"com","pre","hen","sive","including all or most of the details"]
  76. [2,"con","front","to meet face to face, in a bold way; stand up against"]
  77. [4,"con","grat","u","late","to express happiness to another person because of that person's success or good luck"]
  78. [3,"con","gre","gate","to come together; assemble"]
  79. [3,"con","nec","tion","the act of joining or the condition of being joined"]
  80. [4,"con","sec","u","tive","coming in regular order without a break"]
  81. [3,"con","se","quence","a result or outcome"]
  82. [4,"con","spic","u","ous","easy to see or notice; obvious"]
  83. [4,"con","spir","a","cy","a secret plan by two or more people to do something that is bad or unlawful; a plot"]
  84. [3,"con","sta","ble","a police officer in a town or village"]
  85. [2,"con","sul","an official who is appointed by the government of a country to look after the interests of its citizens in a foreign city"]
  86. [2,"con","sult","to go to for information or advice"]
  87. [3,"con","sult","ant","an expert who is called on for special advice or services"]
  88. [3,"con","ta","gious","capable of being spread by contact"]
  89. [4,"con","tam","i","nate","to make dirty, impure, or infected by touching or mixing with"]
  90. [2,"con","tract","an agreement that is supported by the law"]
  91. [3,"con","tra","dict","to say the opposite of"]
  92. [4,"con","tro","ver","sial","causing or able to cause arguments"]
  93. [4,"con","vert","i","ble","able to be changed into something else"]
  94. [3,"con","vic","tion","the act or process of judging that someone is guilty"]
  95. [2,"cor","dial","warm and friendly; hearty; sincere"]
  96. [3,"cor","ne","a","the clear outer layer of the eyeball that covers the iris and the pupil"]
  97. [3,"cor","o","net","a small crown worn by princes and other noble persons"]
  98. [3,"cor","re","spond","to be in agreement with; match"]
  99. [3,"cor","ri","dor","a long hall or passageway in a building, with rooms opening onto it"]
  100. [2,"coun","cil","a group of people meeting together to plan or decide something or to give advice"]
  101. [2,"coun","sel","ideas or opinions about what to do; advice"]
  102. [3,"coun","ter","feit","made in imitation of the real thing in order to fool or cheat people"]
  103. [3,"cum","ber","some","hard to handle because of size, weight, or number of parts; clumsy"]
  104. [3,"cu","ri","ous","wanting very much to learn or know"]
  105. [2,"cy","cle","a complete set of events that keep coming back in the same order"]
  106. [3,"daf","fo","dil","a plant that has long, narrow leaves and usually yellow flowers with a center part that is shaped like a trumpet"]
  107. [3,"ded","i","cate","to set aside for or devote to a special purpose"]
  108. [2,"de","face","to spoil the looks of; mar"]
  109. [3,"de","fen","sive","protecting from attack"]
  110. [4,"de","fi","cien","cy","a lack in the amount that is needed or expected; shortage"]
  111. [4,"de","lib","er","ate","carefully thought out and made or done on purpose"]
  112. [3,"de","mol","ish","to tear down; to smash"]
  113. [3,"dem","on","strate","to show or prove by facts, actions, or feelings"]
  114. [3,"de","part","ment","a separate part of a government, business, or other organization"]
  115. [2,"de","rive","to get or receive from a source"]
  116. [2,"de","scend","to move down to a lower place"]
  117. [4,"de","seg","re","gate","to stop the practice of keeping people of different ethnic groups apart"]
  118. [2,"de","serve","to have a right to; be one that ought to get"]
  119. [4,"de","sir","a","ble","worth wanting or having; pleasing, excellent, or attractive"]
  120. [3,"des","per","ate","reckless or careless because one has lost hope"]
  121. [2,"de","test","to dislike very much; hate"]
  122. [3,"de","vot","ed","very loving or loyal"]
  123. [3,"di","a","gram","a drawing or plan that helps to explain something by showing all its parts, how it is put together, or how it works"]
  124. [3,"di","a","lect","a form of a language that is used only in a certain region or by a certain group of people"]
  125. [2,"di","gest","to change food in the stomach and intestines into a form that can be used by the body"]
  126. [3,"dig","ni","ty","the quality of being worthy of honor or respect"]
  127. [3,"di","min","ish","to make or become smaller in force, importance, size, or some other way"]
  128. [3,"dis","a","ble","to make unable to move, act, or work in a normal way"]
  129. [3,"dis","ci","ple","a pupil or follower of a teacher or leader"]
  130. [3,"dis","ci","pline","training that teaches one to obey rules and control one's behavior"]
  131. [3,"dis","con","tent","a feeling of not being satisfied and wanting something different"]
  132. [2,"dis","cord","the fact of failing to get along well together; lack of agreement; conflict"]
  133. [4,"dis","po","si","tion","a person's usual or general mood; nature"]
  134. [3,"dis","re","gard","to pay no attention to; ignore"]
  135. [3,"dis","trib","ute","to give out in portions; deal out"]
  136. [4,"di","ver","si","ty","the condition of being different or varied; difference or variety"]
  137. [2,"doc","ile","easy to handle or train; obedient or tame"]
  138. [3,"doc","u","ment","a printed or written record that is used to prove something"]
  139. [3,"do","mes","tic","having to do with the home or family"]
  140. [2,"do","nate","to give to a charity, fund, campaign, or other cause; contribute"]
  141. [2,"dor","mant","not active; quiet"]
  142. [3,"du","ra","ble","capable of lasting a long time in spite of hard wear or much use"]
  143. [3,"dy","nam","ic","full of energy or power; active; vigorous"]
  144. [3,"dy","na","mite","a powerful explosive"]
  145. [3,"dy","nas","ty","a series of kings or rulers who belong to the same family"]
  146. [3,"ec","cen","tric","not usual or normal in behavior; odd"]
  147. [4,"e","lab","o","rate","worked out in a very careful way, with many details; complicated"]
  148. [3,"e","las","tic","capable of springing back into shape or position after being stretched or squeezed; springy"]
  149. [3,"eld","er","ly","somewhat old; past middle age"]
  150. [3,"el","e","vate","to lift up; raise"]
  151. [4,"e","lim","i","nate","to get rid of; take out or leave out"]
  152. [3,"el","o","quent","using words that are put together in a strong and graceful way and that can excite or convince people"]
  153. [4,"e","man","ci","pate","to set free from slavery or from strict control"]
  154. [2,"em","cee","a master of ceremonies"]
  155. [3,"en","coun","ter","to meet by chance or unexpectedly"]
  156. [3,"en","dur","ance","the ability to hold up or last under hardship, strain, or pain"]
  157. [2,"en","gulf","to cover completely; swallow up"]
  158. [2,"en","roll","to make or become a member"]
  159. [3,"en","ti","tle","to give a right or claim to"]
  160. [4,"ep","i","dem","ic","the rapid spreading of a disease to many people at the same time"]
  161. [2,"e","quip","to provide with what is needed; outfit"]
  162. [3,"e","ro","sion","the process of being worn away slowly, especially by wind or water"]
  163. [3,"es","tab","lish","to begin or start; found; create"]
  164. [2,"es","teem","good opinion; high regard; respect"]
  165. [3,"es","ti","mate","to make a general but careful guess about the size, quality, value, or cost of"]
  166. [4,"e","vac","u","ate","to leave or cause to leave a place for reasons of safety"]
  167. [4,"e","vap","o","rate","to change into a vapor or gas"]
  168. [4,"ex","ag","ger","ate","to make seem larger or greater than it really is"]
  169. [3,"ex","ca","vate","to dig or dig out"]
  170. [3,"ex","cur","sion","a short trip taken for pleasure"]
  171. [2,"ex","ile","to force a person to leave his or her own country and live somewhere else; banish"]
  172. [2,"ex","ist","to be; have actual being"]
  173. [4,"ex","pe","di","tion","a long journey or voyage by a group of people to explore a region or for some other purpose"]
  174. [4,"ex","per","i","ment","a test or tests that are used to find out or prove something or to see whether a theory is correct"]
  175. [4,"ex","pi","ra","tion","the act or fact of coming to an end"]
  176. [3,"ex","plic","it","clearly stated so that there can be no doubt as to the meaning; definite"]
  177. [4,"ex","ter","mi","nate","to kill or destroy completely; wipe out"]
  178. [2,"ex","tinct","no longer living; having died out"]
  179. [4,"ex","trem","i","ty","the farthest point or part; an end"]
  180. [4,"fed","er","a","tion","a union of groups or states under a central power"]
  181. [3,"fem","i","nine","of or having to do with women or girls; female"]
  182. [3,"fe","ro","cious","fierce; savage"]
  183. [2,"fes","tive","merry; joyous"]
  184. [2,"fore","cast","to tell or try to tell what will happen ahead of time; predict"]
  185. [2,"for","give","to stop being angry at or wanting to punish; excuse or pardon"]
  186. [3,"for","mer","ly","at an earlier time; in the past"]
  187. [3,"for","mu","late","to put into words in a clear and exact way"]
  188. [3,"for","ti","fy","to make stronger; strengthen"]
  189. [2,"for","tune","the supposed power that brings good or bad to people; luck"]
  190. [2,"fu","ry","wild anger; great rage"]
  191. [2,"fu","tile","not capable of producing any result; useless"]
  192. [3,"gal","ax","y","a very large group of stars"]
  193. [3,"gen","er","ous","willing to give or share; not selfish"]
  194. [3,"gen","i","us","the special power of mind or the special ability that shows itself in the greatest artists, writers, and scientists"]
  195. [3,"grat","i","fy","to cause to feel pleased or satisfied"]
  196. [4,"gym","na","si","um","a building or room with equipment for doing exercises and playing games"]
  197. [3,"hab","i","tat","the place where an animal or plant is normally found"]
  198. [2,"hack","le","any of the feathers at the neck of a bird such as a rooster, a pigeon, or a peacock"]
  199. [3,"hem","i","sphere","one half of a sphere or globe"]
  200. [4,"her","biv","o","rous","feeding mainly on grass or other plants"]
  201. [3,"her","it","age","something that is handed down from one's ancestors or from the past"]
  202. [3,"hes","i","tate","to stop or wait for a moment because one is not sure"]
  203. [3,"hid","e","ous","horrible to see, hear, or think about; very ugly or disgusting"]
  204. [2,"hos","tile","like or having to do with an enemy"]
  205. [2,"hum","ble","knowing one's own faults; modest; not proud"]
  206. [3,"hyp","o","crite","a person who pretends to be good, religious, kind, honest, or loyal without really being so"]
  207. [4,"hys","te","ri","a","a wild fit of laughing or crying that gets out of control"]
  208. [3,"ig","no","rance","lack of knowledge or education"]
  209. [2,"im","merse","to cover completely by plunging or dipping into a liquid"]
  210. [3,"im","mi","grate","to come into a foreign country to make a new home"]
  211. [2,"im","pact","the action of one object hitting another with force; violent collision"]
  212. [4,"im","per","a","tive"," absolutely necessary; urgent"]
  213. [2,"im","plore","to plead for or beg with much feeling"]
  214. [2,"im","pose","to set as something that has to be paid, obeyed, or fulfilled"]
  215. [3,"im","pro","vise","to make up and perform at the same time, without preparation"]
  216. [3,"im","pul","sive","acting or likely to act suddenly and without thinking"]
  217. [4,"in","cli","na","tion","a natural liking for or leaning toward something; tendency"]
  218. [4,"in","cu","ba","tor","a container that is kept warm for hatching eggs"]
  219. [4,"in","def","i","nite","not having exact limits"]
  220. [4,"in","di","ca","tor","a pointer, dial, gauge, or other device that measures or shows something"]
  221. [3,"in","di","gent","very poor or needy"]
  222. [3,"in","dig","nant","angry about something that seems not to be fair"]
  223. [3,"in","fi","nite","having no limits; without beginning or end"]
  224. [4,"in","flam","ma","tion","a swollen area in some part of the body that is hot, red, and sore"]
  225. [4,"in","fu","ri","ate","to make very angry; enrage"]
  226. [4,"in","sig","ni","a","a special mark or badge that shows rank, membership in an organization, or a position of some honor"]
  227. [2,"in","sist","to stick strongly to a belief"]
  228. [3,"in","so","lent","not having or showing the proper respect; rude"]
  229. [3,"in","te","grate","to bring together into a whole; unite or unify"]
  230. [4,"in","teg","ri","ty","the quality of being honest and trustworthy; honesty"]
  231. [4,"in","tel","li","gence","the ability to learn and understand, or to solve problems"]
  232. [3,"in","ter","cept","to stop or take hold of on the way; cut off"]
  233. [3,"in","ter","nal","having to do with or on the inside; inner"]
  234. [4,"in","ter","sec","tion","the place where two or more things, such as lines or streets, meet or cross"]
  235. [3,"in","ter","val","space or time between things"]
  236. [3,"in","tro","duce","to make known; make acquainted; present"]
  237. [3,"in","va","sion","the act of entering with an army in order to conquer"]
  238. [4,"in","ver","te","brate","having no backbone, or spinal column"]
  239. [3,"i","so","late","to set apart from others"]
  240. [2,"i","tem","a separate thing; one in a group or series of things"]
  241. [2,"jag","ged","having sharp points and notches"]
  242. [3,"jav","e","lin","a light spear. It is now used in athletic contests to see who can throw it farthest"]
  243. [3,"jeop","ard","y","great danger or risk"]
  244. [2,"jos","tle","to shove or push in a rough way"]
  245. [3,"jour","nal","ist","a reporter or other person whose work is gathering, preparing, and sending out the news"]
  246. [3,"ju","bi","lant","joyful and proud; glad"]
  247. [3,"ko","a","la","an animal of Australia that looks like a small bear and lives in trees. The mother carries her young in a pouch on her belly"]
  248. [2,"land","scape","a large area of natural scenery that can be seen in one view"]
  249. [3,"leg","i","ble","clear enough to be read easily"]
  250. [3,"li","a","ble","obliged by law to pay; responsible"]
  251. [4,"lux","u","ri","ous","giving a feeling of comfort and pleasure"]
  252. [4,"mag","nif","i","cence","great and impressive beauty; splendor"]
  253. [4,"ma","jor","i","ty","the greater part or number of something; more than half"]
  254. [4,"mal","nu","tri","tion","an unhealthy condition of the body that is caused by not getting enough food or enough of the right foods"]
  255. [3,"man","a","tee","a large animal that lives in shallow tropical waters and feeds on plants. It has flippers and a broad, flat tail"]
  256. [2,"man","ger","a large box or trough in a barn that holds food for horses or cattle"]
  257. [3,"man","u","al","made, done, or worked with the hands"]
  258. [3,"man","u","script","a book, magazine article, or other written material that is typed or written by hand"]
  259. [3,"mas","cu","line","of or having to do with men or boys; male"]
  260. [4,"mel","an","chol","y","a sad feeling; low spirits"]
  261. [3,"mis","guid","ed","led into making mistakes or doing wrong"]
  262. [3,"mod","er","ate","neither too much nor too little; reasonable or average"]
  263. [3,"mod","i","fy","to make a small change in"]
  264. [2,"mor","tal","certain to die at some time"]
  265. [4,"mu","nic","i","pal","having to do with a city or town, or with its government"]
  266. [3,"mys","ti","fy","to puzzle or bewilder"]
  267. [3,"nar","ra","tive","a story; a report of what has happened"]
  268. [3,"neg","a","tive","saying that something is not so or refusing; answering no"]
  269. [3,"nom","i","nate","to name as a candidate for an election"]
  270. [3,"nu","cle","us","the central part around which other things are grouped or gathered"]
  271. [4,"o","be","di","ent","obeying or willing to obey; following orders"]
  272. [4,"ob","ser","va","tion","the act or power of seeing or noticing"]
  273. [3,"ob","so","lete","no longer in use or fashion; out-of-date"]
  274. [3,"ob","vi","ous","easy to see or understand; plain; clear"]
  275. [3,"oc","ca","sion","a special time or happening; important event"]
  276. [4,"oc","ca","sion","al","happening only once in a while"]
  277. [3,"oc","cu","py","to take up; fill"]
  278. [4,"om","nip","o","tent","having power or authority without limit; all-powerful"]
  279. [3,"o","pin","ion","a belief based on what someone thinks to be true or likely"]
  280. [2,"op","press","to keep down by the cruel use of power; rule in a very harsh way"]
  281. [3,"op","ti","mist","a person who is cheerful and hopeful, no matter what happens"]
  282. [4,"o","rig","i","nate","to bring into being; create; invent"]
  283. [2,"or","nate","having much decoration"]
  284. [3,"o","ver","come","to get the better of; defeat; master"]
  285. [3,"o","ver","throw","to put an end to; cause to fall; defeat"]
  286. [3,"pac","i","fy","to make peaceful or calm"]
  287. [3,"pal","i","sade","a fence made of large, pointed stakes to protect against attack"]
  288. [3,"par","a","chute","a large cloth device that opens up like an umbrella. It is used for slowing down a person or thing dropping from an airplane"]
  289. [3,"par","a","dox","a statement that seems to contradict itself or seems false but may be true in fact"]
  290. [3,"par","af","fin","a white substance like wax that is made from petroleum. It is used for making candles and for sealing jars"]
  291. [3,"pas","teur","ize","to heat a liquid, especially milk, to a certain temperature for a certain length of time. This kills harmful bacteria"]
  292. [4,"pa","tri","ot","ic","showing great love for one's country and loyalty to it"]
  293. [3,"pen","al","ty","a punishment for breaking a law or rule"]
  294. [3,"per","cus","sion","the hitting of one thing against another; blow"]
  295. [3,"per","form","ance","a concert, play, or other show of skill or talent before an audience"]
  296. [2,"per","il","a condition or situation that could result in destruction, injury, or death; danger"]
  297. [4,"pe","rim","e","ter","the boundary or distance around a figure or area"]
  298. [4,"pe","ri","od","ic","happening or done at regular times"]
  299. [4,"per","ish","a","ble","likely to decay or spoil"]
  300. [3,"per","ma","nent","lasting or meant to last for a very long time"]
  301. [3,"per","sist","ent","refusing to give up"]
  302. [3,"per","ti","nent","having some connection with the subject that is being considered; relevant"]
  303. [2,"phy","sique","the form or shape of a person's body"]
  304. [2,"pig","ment","a colored substance, usually a powder, that is mixed with oil or water to make paints"]
  305. [2,"plum","age","a bird's feathers"]
  306. [4,"pneu","mo","ni","a","a disease in which the lungs become inflamed and a thin fluid collects in them. It can be caused by bacteria or viruses"]
  307. [3,"por","cu","pine","an animal that has rough hair mixed with long, sharp spines called quills, that it can cause to stand out on its body"]
  308. [3,"port","a","ble","capable of being carried; easy to carry or move"]
  309. [3,"pos","i","tive","not to be questioned; definitely set and without doubt"]
  310. [2,"poul","try","chickens, turkeys, ducks, and other fowl raised for food"]
  311. [3,"pref","er","ence","a greater liking for one thing over others"]
  312. [4,"prep","a","ra","tion","the act of getting ready or the condition of being ready"]
  313. [2,"pres","tige","fame or respect such as that which comes from doing great things or having a good character"]
  314. [3,"pre","ten","tious","seeming or pretending to be important or excellent"]
  315. [3,"prev","a","lent","existing or happening over a wide area; common; general"]
  316. [4,"pri","or","i","ty","the quality or fact of coming before in time, order, or importance"]
  317. [2,"pro","cure","to get or bring about by trying; obtain"]
  318. [3,"pro","gres","sive","moving forward or going ahead step by step"]
  319. [3,"pro","por","tion","the relation of one thing to another in size, amount, or another measure"]
  320. [3,"pros","per","ous","successful, well-to-do, or thriving"]
  321. [2,"pru","dent","careful or cautious in a sensible way; wise"]
  322. [4,"ques","tion","a","ble","doubtful or suspicious"]
  323. [3,"quiz","zi","cal","showing a puzzled condition"]
  324. [3,"ra","di","ate","to send out or be sent out in rays or waves"]
  325. [2,"ran","som","the price asked or paid for setting free a kidnapped person or other captive"]
  326. [3,"ra","tion","al","able to reason; thinking clearly"]
  327. [3,"rav","e","nous","very hungry"]
  328. [2,"ra","vine","a deep, narrow valley; gorge"]
  329. [4,"re","as","sem","ble","to come or put together again"]
  330. [2,"re","call","to bring back to mind; remember"]
  331. [3,"ref","er","ee","a person who makes sure that the rules are followed in certain sports and games"]
  332. [3,"re","in","force","to make stronger by adding something"]
  333. [4,"re","li","a","ble","capable of being trusted or depended on"]
  334. [3,"re","main","der","a part that is left over"]
  335. [2,"re","mote","far off or far away from a particular place"]
  336. [3,"ren","o","vate","to make new or make like new; restore"]
  337. [3,"rep","li","ca","an exact copy"]
  338. [3,"re","pub","lic","a nation in which the citizens elect the officials who make the laws and run the government"]
  339. [3,"re","sem","ble","to be like or look like"]
  340. [3,"res","er","voir","a place where water is collected and stored for use"]
  341. [4,"res","o","lu","tion","something that has been decided upon"]
  342. [2,"re","veal","to make known"]
  343. [4,"rev","o","lu","tion","the overthrow of a government, with another government taking its place"]
  344. [2,"ri","val","a person who tries to get the same thing as another, or a person who tries to do something better than another; competitor"]
  345. [3,"riv","u","let","a little stream; brook"]
  346. [3,"ro","de","o","a contest or show in which cowboys compete in tests of skill in riding horses, roping cattle, and performing other ranching tasks"]
  347. [3,"sab","o","tage","the destroying of buildings, factories, roads, or other property, especially by enemy agents or by workers during labor disputes"]
  348. [4,"san","i","ta","tion","the practice of keeping clean and healthy conditions by disposing of sewage and garbage"]
  349. [2,"sav","age","not civilized; primitive"]
  350. [3,"scru","ti","nize","to look at very carefully; examine closely"]
  351. [3,"se","clud","ed","kept away from others"]
  352. [2,"se","crete","to make and give off into or out of the body"]
  353. [3,"sed","a","tive","a medicine that calms a person who is very nervous or excited"]
  354. [3,"sed","i","ment","matter that settles to the bottom of a liquid"]
  355. [2,"seg","ment","one of the parts into which something is divided; section"]
  356. [3,"sep","a","rate","to set apart or divide into groups"]
  357. [3,"short","com","ing","a fault or weakness"]
  358. [3,"sil","hou","ette","an outline of a figure, especially a person's profile, that is usually cut from black paper and is set against a light background"]
  359. [3,"sim","i","lar","almost but not exactly the same; alike"]
  360. [2,"sin","cere","not pretending or fooling; honest; truthful"]
  361. [3,"sin","is","ter","threatening or suggesting harm or evil"]
  362. [3,"skep","ti","cal","having or showing doubt; not believing easily"]
  363. [2,"so","cial","having to do with human beings as they live together in a group or groups"]
  364. [4,"so","ci","e","ty","people living together as a group, or forming a group, with the same way of life"]
  365. [2,"so","lar","having to do with the sun"]
  366. [3,"so","lu","tion","the act or process of solving a problem"]
  367. [2,"som","ber","dark and gloomy or dull"]
  368. [3,"sou","ve","nir","an object kept as a reminder of something"]
  369. [2,"spa","cious","having much space, or room; very large; vast"]
  370. [3,"spec","i","men","a part of a whole, or one thing of a group, used as a sample of the rest"]
  371. [3,"spec","u","late","to think about or make guesses; ponder"]
  372. [2,"stag","nant","not flowing and therefore stale and dirty"]
  373. [2,"state","ment","something that is expressed in words"]
  374. [4,"steg","o","sau","rus","a large dinosaur with a small head. It had two rows of large bony plates that stuck up from its back"]
  375. [3,"strat","e","gy","the science of planning and directing military movements and operations"]
  376. [2,"stuff","y","having little fresh air; close"]
  377. [4,"su","per","fi","cial","on the surface only; not deep"]
  378. [4,"su","per","la","tive","of the highest sort; being the very best"]
  379. [4,"su","per","son","ic","of or moving at a speed greater than the speed of sound"]
  380. [4,"su","per","sti","tion","a belief or practice that comes from fear and ignorance and that is against the laws of science or against what is generally thought of as true and rational"]
  381. [4,"su","per","vi","sor","a person who manages other people; director"]
  382. [3,"sup","ple","ment","something added to complete another thing or to make up for what was missing"]
  383. [3,"sym","pho","ny","a long piece of music for a full orchestra. It is usually divided into four movements, or sections"]
  384. [3,"syn","chro","nize","to cause to move or happen at the same time or speed; make agree"]
  385. [2,"tam","per","to meddle or interfere in a way that is wrong or that causes damage"]
  386. [4,"tech","nol","o","gy","science as it is put to use in the work of everyday life"]
  387. [3,"tem","per","ate","neither very hot nor very cold"]
  388. [4,"tem","po","rar","y","lasting only for a short time; not permanent"]
  389. [3,"ter","mi","nate","to bring or come to an end; to stop or end"]
  390. [4,"tes","ti","mo","ny","a statement made by a person who testifies in a court"]
  391. [2,"ther","mal","having to do with heat"]
  392. [2,"thresh","old","the sill of a door"]
  393. [3,"trag","e","dy","a serious play with a sad ending"]
  394. [2,"trans","fer","to move, carry, send, or change from one person or place to another"]
  395. [2,"trans","mit","to send from one person or place to another; pass on; transfer"]
  396. [3,"triv","i","al","not important "]
  397. [3,"tur","bu","lent","very excited or upset; wild or unruly"]
  398. [2,"tur","moil","a noisy or confused condition"]
  399. [3,"typ","i","cal","being a good example of its kind"]
  400. [3,"tyr","an","ny","very cruel and unfair use of power"]
  401. [4,"u","nan","i","mous","showing complete agreement; with no one opposed"]
  402. [3,"un","der","dog","a person, team, or side that is expected to lose a game, race, election, or other contest"]
  403. [3,"un","der","mine","to wear away or weaken the supports of something"]
  404. [3,"un","earth","ly","not of this world; supernatural"]
  405. [4,"u","ni","ver","sal","of, for, or by all people; concerning everyone"]
  406. [3,"un","war","y","not watchful; not on guard"]
  407. [3,"up","stand","ing","honest; honorable"]
  408. [2,"va","cant","having nothing or no one in it; empty"]
  409. [3,"vac","u","um","a space that has nothing at all in it; empty space"]
  410. [3,"van","dal","ize","to destroy or damage property out of a desire to do harm or mischief"]
  411. [2,"van","ish","to go suddenly out of sight; disappear"]
  412. [3,"van","i","ty","the quality of being vain or conceited"]
  413. [3,"ven","ti","late","to get fresh air to move into or through"]
  414. [4,"ven","tril","o","quism","the art or act of speaking without moving the lips much, so that the voice seems to come from another point"]
  415. [2,"ver","bal","of, in, or by means of words"]
  416. [2,"ver","min","small animals or insects, such as rats or flies, that cause harm or are troublesome to people"]
  417. [3,"ver","ti","cal","straight up and down; perpendicular to a horizontal line"]
  418. [4,"vi","cin","i","ty","a nearby or surrounding area; neighborhood"]
  419. [4,"vir","tu","al","ly","really; practically; nearly"]
  420. [3,"vis","u","al","having to do with sight or used in seeing"]
  421. [4,"vi","tal","i","ty","energy or strength of mind or body; vigor"]
  422. [4,"vol","un","tar","y","acting, done, or given by a person's own choice"]
  423. [2,"year","ling","an animal that is one year old or one that is in its second year"]
  424. [2,"ze","nith","the point in the sky that is directly overhead"]
  425. [4,"zo","ol","o","gy","the science that studies animals and animal life"]